
[Three Partyers]

Saturday, 8:30 p.m.

Stanley Morrison opens the door and greets Mr. and Mrs. Hollis.

Stanley : Hi, Rob! You must be Louise. Please come in. Did you have any trouble getting here?
Louise : None at all. We often come swimming at the pool on Belmont Ave.
Stanley : That is a nice one. Here, let me take your coats.
Robert : You've got a great place here, Stan.
Stanley : Would you like me to show you around?
Louise : I'll bring these pies to the kitchen, if you don't mind.
Stanley : (pointing) Sure, just head that way through the diningroom.

As the two men enter a small room off the front hall, Louise walks toward the kitchen.

Carol : Hi--Louise, right? I'm Carol. Those are super-looking pies.
Louise : (looking around at the other dishes) You've been busy!
Carol : Actually, I didn't make it all myself. Let me introduce you to some people.

Within half an hour, all the guests have arrived. People are nibbling on the appetizers and drinking punch or beer.

Robert : My secretary told me about a hot new nightclub downtown, the Shooting Star. She goes dancing there a lot.
Sheila : Are you referring to your wife when you say "my secretary"?
Robert : Oh, no, I meant Sonia, who works at my shop. Her social life is definitely more fun than mine.
Sheila : Hush, Louise might hear you.

On the other side of the room, Stan is entertaining several people with stories from his restaurant business.

Stanley : The other night, when the mayor brought some bank presidents to dinner, the waitress managed to spill coffee on his lap. I think her moon was in klutz.
Carol : And this is one of their more experienced waitresses.
Louise : You know, the Maple Leaf is right near the office where I work. Do you open for lunch?
Stanley : Of course. But you need a reservation a few days in advance.
Louise : I could probably handle that.
[Previous] Louise
[Previous] Carol
[Previous] Stanley
[Previous] Robert
