A Party Invitation

Wednesday, 6 p.m.

[Optician's]Robert Hollis gets ready to leave work. He looks up as the receptionist calls out something.

Sonia : See you tomorrow, Dr. Hollis!
Robert : Oh, wait, Sonia, before you go. . . .
Sonia : (in the doorway) Yes, what is it?
Robert : Did that customer say when he needs his glasses?
Sonia : You mean Michael Whitman?
Robert : Yes, that's the one.
Sonia : Yeah, he wants them as soon as possible because he doesn't have a spare pair.
Robert : OK, thanks. I'll get that settled then.

Just then the phone rings. Sonia starts to slip out the door and Robert waves to her as he answers the phone.

Robert : Hello?
Stanley : Hi, is that Rob?
Robert : Yes, it is. Who's speaking?
Stanley : Don't you recognize my voice? It's me, Stan.
Robert : Stan! Good thing you caught me in. I was about to lock up the shop.
Stanley : That's how I found you, as a matter of fact. The other day I walked past your sign, Hollis Eyewear. I looked you up in the Yellow Pages.
Robert : Not bad sleuthing! What brings you to town?
Stanley : Well, as a matter of fact, we moved here so I could start a new job at the Maple Leaf restaurant.
Robert : Are you the chef at that fancy place downtown?
Stanley : Manager, actually. How'd you like to come to our house on Saturday for our housewarming?
Robert : Sounds great!
Stanley : Bring your wife, Louise, wasn't it? Why don't you give me your home address, because Carol would like to send you an invitation.
Robert : It's 415 Bowen Street, around the corner from my shop.
Stanley : OK. It'll be nice to catch up on what's been happening in our lives.
Robert : It sure will. What's your phone number, by the way?
Stanley : It's 867-5309.
Robert : Do you have any kids?
Stanley : Yup, three. They'll be in bed when you come on Saturday. . . . Incidentally, we're just inviting adults this time, because it would be late, eight thirty or so. . . .
Robert : Oh, sounds like we need a babysitter for our two kids, then.
Stanley : Yes, if that's OK?
Robert : Sure. I'm looking forward to it. Should we bring anything?
Stanley : Hm, Carol's the one to ask. But you probably don't need to.
Robert : Alright. Thanks.
Stanley : See you Saturday!
Robert : Bye.

Robert gets an order ready to mail and then locks up the shop. He walks home.
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