Dinner with the Hollis Family


Wednesday, 7 p.m.

[Place setting]While Becky sets the table, her father comes in the front door. A draft of cold air blows in, too.

Louise : Hi, Rob.
Robert : (gives her a kiss) Hi, hon, how are you doing?
Louise : I had kind of a hard day at the office. What about you?
Robert : Not bad. Just when I was about to lock up the shop, my old friend Stan called.
Louise : You know what, let's talk about it at dinner.

Robert goes to wash his hands. Just then, the oven timer buzzes, and Louise goes over to the oven.

Louise : (lifting the chicken pot pie out of the oven) Becky, go tell your brother dinner's ready, please.

The family takes their usual places at the table.

Louise : (serving the pie)Now wasn't Stan your roommate while you were in college?
Robert : Yeah, remember when I told you they moved to town?
Louise : Yes, I do. What's his wife's name again? (to Jim) Could you pass the salt and pepper?
Robert : Carla. They have three kids.
Becky : Have I met them?
Robert : No, you haven't. Anyway, they want to invite us to a party this Saturday night.
Jim : Do we get to go?
Robert : No, this time it's just for grownups. It'll be too late for you.
Becky : Can I tell you a joke I learned in school?
Louise : Alright.
Becky : There's this guy at a restaurant and he orders some soup. He calls the waiter over to his table and says: " Waiter, there's a fly in my soup." So the waiter goes: "Don't worry, he won't eat very much." (laughs)
Jim : Oh, that's an old one.
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