

This vocabulary list defines the less common words or particular meanings used in the Story texts.

List of Abbreviations

adj. adjective: describes a noun
adv. adverb: describes a verb or adjective
conj. conjunction: connecting word
EX: example
idiom set phrase
n. noun: a person, place, thing, or abstract concept
p. p. past participle form of the verb
prep. preposition: shows relationship
v. verb: an action
= synonym: a word with the same meaning


account executive, n.
manager of the work done for clients
act, v.
to behave
actually, adv.
in fact, = really
advertising agency, n.
business that creates advertising for other companies or organizations
afford, v.
to be able to pay for
amazing, adj.
incredible, hard to believe
approach, v.
to go close to
arrange, v.
to put in order
arrive, v.
to come; to get to a destination
assemble, v.
to put pieces together


blackboard, n.
smooth, vertical surface that you write on with chalk
block, n.
length between two streets
blush, v.
to turn red with embarassment
boil, v.
to cook a liquid, to cook a food in a liquid
brick, n.
block of building material, made of fired clay
brush, n.
painting tool, with a handle and soft bristles
budget, n.
list of items and services and what they cost
bunch, n.
group, handful


café, n.
informal restaurant for a light meal
care for, v.
to like (often in the negative)
EX: I don't really care for mushrooms.
cashier, n.
person who takes the money in a store, usually using a cash register
cent, n.
one hundredth of a dollar
cereal, n.
(short for "breakfast cereal") toasted, sweetened grains
EX: Cornflakes are Becky's favorite cereal.
chanterelle, n.
type of edible mushroom, yellow and trumpet-shaped
chat, v.
to talk casually
chicken pot pie, n.
dish of chicken and vegetables with a pie crust
clerk, n.
person who sells in a store
close up, v.
to get a store or restaurant ready to close at the end of the day
collect, v.
to gather, to pick up
considering, conj.
since, in view of the fact that
cornflakes, n.
toasted corn breakfast cereal
counter, n.
level surface for selling, serving, or eating food or other things
course, n.
class in school or university, including lectures or discussions
croissant, n.
crescent-shaped pastry, sometimes filled with fruit, cheese or almond paste
crowded, adj.
filled with people
cute, adj.
attractive, good-looking


deliver, v.
to take something to someone
deserve, v.
to earn or be worthy of a reward
EX: She deserves a chance to relax.
dice, v.
to cut in cubes
discover, v.
to find
dish, n.
a food, one part of a meal
dorm, n.
student residence (short for "dormitory")
dough, n.
raw flour and water mixture, turns into bread when baked
downtown, n.
city center
drawer, n.
box that slides for storing things, often clothes
drive, n.
act of driving a car
dude, n.
man (very informal)


embarass, v.
to make someone feel uncomfortable or put someone in an awkward situation
enchilada, n.
Mexican dish of tortillas that wrap up meat and beans, with tomato sauce and cheese on top
episode, n.
one of a series of scenes
expect, v.
to consider likely


fantastic, adj.
wonderful, great
figure, v.
to decide after thinking
filling, n.
food mixture in a pie
fix, v.
to repair; (of food) to cook
EX: Could you fix me an omelette?
floppy disk, n.
small, flat storage device for computer data
format, n.
organization and appearance of something written
fridge, n.
short for "refrigerator"
front hall, n.
room just inside the front door


gather, v.
to bring together, collect
get going, v.
to make a start
go right ahead, idiom
= please do
grab, v.
to take, get (informal)
graduate, v.
to finish one's schooling
grapefruit, n.
large, somewhat sour, citrus fruit
grilled cheese sandwich, n.
sandwich made from two slices of bread and mild cheese, fried on a grill
gulp, v.
to swallow hard


head, n.
compact, leafy part of a plant
EX: Could you get me a head of romaine lettuce?
head, v.
to walk in a certain direction
hectic, adj.
very busy, almost chaotic
hold on, v.
to wait
homework, n.
work assigned by a teacher for schoolchildren to do at home
hypertext, n.
a set of information linked together so that various paths through it are possible
EX: Half Moon Café is a hypertext about daily life for some people in an American city.


immediately, adv.
= at once
indignantly, adv.
with anger at something unjust or mean
ingredient, n.
any food used in making a dish
in one's tracks, adj.
right where one is standing
EX: Mike stops in his tracks.
insist, v.
to stay with what you said, to persist
introduce, v.
bring a thing or person to the knowledge of another person


jack o'lantern, n.
type of poisonous mushroom
jam, n.
fruit preserves to eat with bread
jar, n.
small, glass container
jot down, v.
to write briefly, to make a note
juice box, n.
child-sized serving of juice in a box with a straw


kinky, adj.
unusual, unconventional (implies something sexual)


lack, v.
to not have
laundry room, n.
room that contains a washer and dryer
leftover, adj.
saved from a previous use
liquid, n.
flowing substance, such as water, opposed to a solid and a gas
literature, n.
writings: novels, stories and poetry
little-used, adj.
not used very often
look through, v.
to examine briefly
EX: Carl looks through the mail he got today.


magazine, n.
monthly or weekly periodical, often printed on glossy paper
make it, idiom
to succeed
mole, n.
small, furry, insect-eating animal that digs holes
mood, n.
state of mind, feeling
EX: I'm just in such a good mood.
munch, v.
to eat (especially something crunchy)
My treat., idiom
= I'll pay, as a favor to you


neighbor, n.
person who lives nearby or in the same building
newsstand, n.
booth or shop where you buy newspapers and magazines
notebook, n.
book of blank paper for notes
now and then, adv.
= from time to time


objective, adj.
not biased or subjective
order, v.
to ask for something in order to buy it


party, v.
to go out and have fun (implies drinking alcohol)
peel, v.
to cut the outer skin off a vegetable
perishable, adj.
easily spoiled (of food)
petite, adj.
small (of women or clothing)
Ping-Pong, n.
game with two paddles and a lightweight ball, = table tennis
pour, v.
1. to serve a liquid; 2. to rain heavily
preview, n.
short excerpt of a movie, shown before a full-length movie in a theater or on video
properly, adv.
in the right way, carefully following rules
proposal, n.
written report that states how a job will be done
pursue an avenue, idiom
follow or continue with a desired route
EX: Don't pursue that avenue any further.
= Don't continue with that plan. (the plan is not said)
puzzle, n.
a game consisting of a set of pieces that fit together



rack, n.
metal or wooden stand for displaying things
radish, n.
small, strong-flavored salad vegetable, red with white inside
realize, v.
to notice
recipe, n.
list of ingredients and method for cooking a dish
reluctantly, adv.
unwillingly, after pausing
ride, n.
an act of riding, especially by car, = lift
right, adv.
quite, very; very soon.
EX: I work right near here. I'll be right there.
romaine, adj.
type of lettuce with long, dark green leaves
roll out, v.
to flatten, as with a rolling pin
rough draft, n.
first written version
rushed, adj.
= hurried, (p. p. of "rush")


scan, v.
to convert from paper to computer readable form, using a scanner
seat, n.
1. something to sit on, such as a chair 2. a place to sit
section, n.
= part
semester, n.
academic period, usually about 15 weeks long
senior, n.
the last (usually fourth) year of high school or university
set off, v.
to leave, to get going
settled, adj.
moved in, (p. p. of "settle")
silverware, n.
= cutlery, flatware of silver or steel
sip, v.
to drink carefully
slice, v.
to cut in flat pieces
snack, n.
light meal, often food eaten between meals
special, n.
dish that is available specially, not on the regular menu
spot, n.
small place
EX: Let me show you my spot for chanterelles.
spot, v.
to notice, identify
spread, v.
to cover something with
stack, n.
pile, bunch of things arranged on top of each other
stool, n.
tall chair
stuff, n.
things (informal)
subject, n.
topic, what one is talking about
swamped, adj.
overwhelmed, having too much (p. p. of "swamp")
EX: She's been swamped with work lately
switch on, v.
to turn on the electricity for


tasty, adj.
good to eat, = yummy
tortilla, n.
Latin American flat bread made from corn or wheat flour
tortilla chip, n.
flat, crunchy corn snack
treat, v.
to pay for someone else's food, as a favor
trip, n.
period of travel
twist, v.
to turn


unpack, v.
unload, take out of a storage box



way too, adv.
EX: I am taking way too many courses this semester. Today seems way too short.
What do you do for a living?, question
= What is your job?
wholesaler, n.
business that sells to other companies
withstand, v.
to continue to operate or do well
wonder, n.
the cause of astonishment or surprise
EX: No wonder you're acting like this.
worth, prep.
deserving of
EX: It's definitely worth gathering.



yell, v.
to shout words


zucchini, n.
green summer squash (vegetable)

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